Mitsubishi Electric

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Mitsubishi Electric is a world leader in HVAC systems for residential, commercial and industrial use. Our efforts to make indoor life more comfortable began in 1921, with the introduction of an electric fan. It became an instant hit, and a little over 10 years later we started making coolers. The challenge of creating air-conditioning systems suitable to Japan's wide-ranging climate conditions led us to the development of amazingly sophisticated yet rugged machines and systems that can take the punishment of constant use in virtually any condition on earth. And do so quietly, energy-efficiently and with minimum negative impact on the environment. We offer a full Range of Air Conditioners, Ventilation, Air to Water Heat pumps and Chiller Solutions. Fresh and comfortable home and commercial environments with energy savings, high cost performance, and long product life with minimal maintenance. Regardless of building and room size, or the season, Mitsubishi Electric systems offer the flexibility and freedom to ensure a best-fit solution for any cooling and heating need. Air purification and deodorization features make indoor environments more pleasant, while sophisticated technologies like City Multi R2 VRF allow simultaneous cooling of one room while heating another. Our range of residential Ecodan Air to water heat pumps is complimented with Commercial range of Heat pumps and chillers. Simple to use controls allow on site control or remote control connectivity.

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