Valsir BRAVOpress - Wingback Elbow

Valsir was founded in 1987, on the basis of a precise industrial strategy adopted by the Silmar Group - a holding that is leader in the plumbing and heating market with a sales turnover of over 900 million Euro and 2,600 employees - with factories in Italy, in Valsabbia to the north of Brescia and abroad in Portugal, Poland, Russia, Romania, the Ukraine, France and South Africa.
Valsir is today a solid and expanding firm within a group whose true points of cohesion and strength lie within a strong sense of collaboration and the contribution of specific professional skills of each single component.
It is here that the strategies of this globally oriented company are defined, involving business agreements and joint-ventures in Europe, Asia and Africa.
For more information, visit the [a href=""] BIM section page on the website of Valsir.

Valsir has different solutions available on

Valsir Product Line Calculator for Revit
The free Valsir Product Line Calculator App for Revit enables MEP engineers to draw Valsir supply and waste systems twice as fast with up-to-date and localized Valsir content.
Thanks to the auto routing functionality, the right fittings are automatically added to your system while drawing. Even more, you can set up your preferred solution for each kind of fitting and optimize your entire system at a click of a button. Without having to adjust every fitting separately.
Use the in-app predefined schedules and order your items directly from the material lists with a guaranteed up-to-date content.
The calculations functionality for waste water systems is fully Revit integrated and EU compliant and reduces the chance of errors to a minimum with both design and calculation taking place in the App
Download the Valsir Product Line Calculator App for Revit.

Additional Revit content
Separate Revit files can be downloaded in [a href=""]the BIM library for Valsir.
Plancal nova
Plancal nova is a platform for a complete workflow of construction projects. Plancal nova stands for quality, continuity and reliability to help support your daily business. The software consists of an independent CAD core and integrated calculations. Thanks to its extensive 3D modelling capabilities and manufacturer content it also enables a smooth BIM workflow.
Please watch this video for a detailed workflow of Valsir content in Plancal nova.

Product Line Sheets for Stabicad
Stabicad is design software for the installation sector. The most efficient approach is to use the article information available here with Stabicad. Stabicad greatly simplifies information management.
A Product Line Sheet (PLS) is an Excel file that contains parametric data for a complete product line of a particular manufacturer. Examples of parametric data are type numbers, descriptions, dimensions, details about connections, and article numbers.
On MEPcontent you will find new and updated PLS's. This smart content can only be imported using Stabicad. When you install or update Stabicad, you will be asked which files form the website you want to import. Furthermore, you can check at any time, through StabiBASE - Manage - Import Product Lines..., whether new or updated product information is available.
More information on Product Line Sheets and Stabicad can be found here.
Valsir was founded in 1987, on the basis of a precise industrial strategy adopted by the Silmar Group - a holding that is leader in the plumbing and heating market with a sales turnover of over 900 million Euro and 2,600 employees - with factories in Italy, in Valsabbia to the north of ... Leer más
Última actualización : 20-11-2023

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