Floor standing - Indoor Unit
- Air outlets (lower and upper) can be adjusted automatically or selected independently
- The air flaps can be adjusted in a wide range of angles to improve the air distribution in the room
- Piping and drain can be selected from 6 directions to allow easy installation
- Product range compatible with single and multi systems
Última actualización : 21-07-2020
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HC_Air Conditioner_Indoor Unit_MEPcontent_Mitsubishi Heavy Industries_RAC_SRF25-50ZMX-S_INT-EN.rfa

HC_Air Conditioner_Indoor Unit_MEPcontent_Mitsubishi Heavy Industries_RAC_SRF25ZMX-S_INT-EN.dwg

HC_Air Conditioner_Indoor Unit_MEPcontent_Mitsubishi Heavy Industries_RAC_SRF25ZMX-S_INT-EN.ifc

HC_Air Conditioner_Indoor Unit_MEPcontent_Mitsubishi Heavy Industries_RAC_SRF35ZMX-S_INT-EN.dwg

HC_Air Conditioner_Indoor Unit_MEPcontent_Mitsubishi Heavy Industries_RAC_SRF35ZMX-S_INT-EN.ifc

HC_Air Conditioner_Indoor Unit_MEPcontent_Mitsubishi Heavy Industries_RAC_SRF50ZMX-S_INT-EN.dwg

HC_Air Conditioner_Indoor Unit_MEPcontent_Mitsubishi Heavy Industries_RAC_SRF50ZMX-S_INT-EN.ifc